For Friends and Family
Being the friend or family member or loved one who is currently in a violent or abusive relationship or has recently left can be challenging. Here are some resources to help navigate difficult conversations and be the best possible support for your loved one.
A message from a parent: Parenting an adult child is different than parenting a child. Try not to revictimize your friend/family member by making assumptions about or judging the situation. While you should be supportive, at the end of the day, it is that person's decision. As a parent, I wanted to fix this for her, as you know all too well that doesn’t always work. I had to be supportive, non-judgmental and patient in the faith that she would realize her self worth and the ongoing threat she was subjecting herself and her child to.
Our Support Line is available at 843-770-1070. When your loved one is ready, we are here to listen.
If you are outside the Lowcountry of South Carolina, please refer to The National Domestic Violence Hotline for local resources in your area.
Safety Planning
A safety plan is a personalized plan of action. Typically, individuals benefit from a safety plan when they are in dangerous and abusive relationships. Safety plans are important because not only do they keep people safe, but they are crucial for those who plan on leaving their abusive relationship.
Legal Services
Hopeful Horizons’ Legal Department provides survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault with free legal representation. This includes appearances in Family Court for matters related to divorce, custody, visitation, child support, separate maintenance and support, and equitable distribution matters. The legal team also assists with the filing of Orders of Protection and Restraining Orders. Additionally, survivors are provided with legal advice and representation in other civil court matters, as well as accompaniment by our legal staff to criminal and bond court hearings. Call our Support Line at 843-770-1070 for help.
Victim Compensation
South Carolina has a Crime Victim Compensation Fund to help individuals with costs related to injuries received as a result of the crime. If you qualify for services, The Department of Crime Victim Compensation (DCVC) may reimburse some or all of your expenses related to the crime.