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Tips for Self Care

We are all living in an unprecedented time right now. Feelings of anxiety, fear and isolation are completely normal. The best things we can do for yourselves are to be okay with not having control and to practice self-care. I know you may feel overwhelmed with all the self-care articles circulating on the internet or social media right now. Trust me, I get it. But finding what works for you is extremely vital during this time of uncertainty.

Below are tips I developed (and currently use) that put a twist on self-care and feeling isolated. Maybe these things will work for you, and maybe they won’t — that’s okay. Try them out and tell us what you like or what you have been doing during self-quarantine that have been working for you. We’d love to hear from you!

Breathe. Okay, this is a common one but extremely important. There are many apps out there that help with mediating. My favorite is Headspace. I’ve had this app for years and I go through phases of being consistent and then falling off. I personally like to mediate before going to sleep, as it helps me calm my nerves and racing thoughts.

Open your windows. Having my windows open has made me feel less isolated and helps me feel connected with nature and the outside world. Something about hearing the leaves rustle and feeling the breeze in my home has been soothing and instantly improves my mood.

Light a candle/turn on your wax melt/diffuser/etc. Scents (especially essential oils) can impact our stress levels and reduce anxiety and improve our overall well-being. Hopeful Horizons is working on a blog specifically about aromatherapy and essential oils so stay tuned!

Start a gratitude journal. Carve out a few minutes each day and write down something you are grateful for. Times are scary, but reflecting on your accomplishments, something that made you smile, or just listing one thing that brought you joy that day can help ease anxiety and get your mind to shift gears.

Watch bad TV or a funny video. We all have guilty pleasures. For me, it’s watching reality TV. If you feel yourself feeling anxious and you can’t seem to shift your thinking, put on a funny video or watch some bad TV and let yourself escape.

Look up at the stars. How often do you star gaze? Even when things are “normal,” it’s easy to get lost in our everyday routines and forget how big the universe is. So, take a moment. Go outside and just look up.

Have a dance party in your living room. Grab your kids, your roommate, your partner, your dog, your cat or whomever else you may live with - put on your favorite song, turn up the volume and just dance!

Hope this is helpful! Let us know what is working for you these days!

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