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Leading by Example

Child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault are connected in ways that many may not realize because of how the issues are portrayed in the media; however, as the former Executive Director of CODA, I have seen these connections first hand. I have also seen how the cycle of abuse spreads from one generation to the next and how the impact of this abuse and violence seeps into our community - affecting all of our lives.

Over the years, you have been a loyal supporter of CODA and/or Hope Haven and our individual missions. As professionals trained to assist victims of abuse, Shauw Chin and I knew that while our organizations’ separate missions were noble, we needed to lead by example and come together to strengthen our ability to end abuse and change lives. By uniting into one organization, we are putting victims’ needs first and sending a powerful message that we all have a part to play in ending the cycle of violence and abuse.

Hopeful Horizons provides intervention, support and treatment for survivors and their loved ones to help end abuse and change lives one family at a time. But, in order to create a community without abuse we must all lead by example. We must take the time to learn more about child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault and we must educate and model healthy relationships for our children. When someone has the courage to come forward as a victim/survivor, we must be there to offer support. Finally, we must send a clear message that abuse is not tolerated and perpetrators must be held accountable.

We all have a part to play. I invite you to lead by example and join us in our mission to protect, treat + prevent and in our vision of creating a community without abuse. Stay informed through our monthly newsletter and follow us online for frequent updates and access to helpful resources and tools.

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